日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

喪中(もちゅう)はがき~mourning postcard~のルール

喪中はがきとは? "Mourning postcards" often arrive between Nov. and Dec. It's important to know its rules as part of Japanese culture.
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

Thumbs Up👍 or Heart💛? Which Reaction is Better for SNS Message?

When reacting to messages on social media, both the “thumbs up” 👍 and the “heart” ❤️ are commonly used. However, the preference might vary depending on the country or generation. Which do you use?
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

Interesting Discoveries: Foreigners’ Favorite Japanese Expressions~外国人が好きな日本語

I watched a TV program where they interviewed foreigners about their favorite Japanese phrases. It was very interesting. From that, I’ll share four words: ‘ぜひ’ (zehi), ‘勘弁してよ’ (kanben shite yo), ‘平穏’ (heion), and ‘木漏れ日’ (komorebi).
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

6 Best Bookstores in Tokyo for Japanese Learners

Are you studying Japanese? then, you'll need a good textbook. In Tokyo, there are several bookstores with many books that can help you learn Japanese. Learners should definitely check them out. Happy book hunting!
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

What does “anata(あなた)” mean? あなた=you? あなた≠you?

How do you translate "you" into Japanese? anata(あなた)? Sometimes it is OK, but sometimes NOT OK! Be careful when you use ANATA.
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

How to read Japanese Kanji? Rules of reading Kanji~漢字を読むルール.

”Why does one kanji have multiple readings?" This is one of the things that troubles Japanese learners. I will explain the basic rules for reading kanji.
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

What are Onyomi and Kunyomi readings forJapanese Kanji? 漢字の音読みと訓読みって?

do you know おんよみ and くんよみ?In kanji, there are two types of readings:「音読み」(おんよみ・on’yomi) and 訓読み(くんよみ・kun’yomi.) 
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

The Reasons Why You Should Learn Kanji ~ 日本語学習者(にほんごがくしゅうしゃ)が漢字(かんじ)を学(まな)んだほうがいい理由(りゆう)

Sometimes Japanese learners ask me "why do we have to learn kanji? We have learned Hiragana and Katakana. That's enough! " Do you really think so after reading this article? 日本語学習で漢字を学んだほうがいい理由を説明します。
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner


2023年のJLPTがやってきました。試験当日にしたほうがいいことと、すべきでないことを、まとめました。The JLPT for the 2023 is coming! I have sumarized things to do and things to avoid on the exam day.
日本語を勉強している方 Japanese learner

【日本語学校】うるさい先生、やさしい先生~A strict and nagging teacher or a gentle and lenient teacher ~

日本語の先生。うるさい先生とやさしい先生、あなたはどちらが好きですか? Which Japanese teacher do you like better, a strict teacher or a lenient teacher?